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links [2010/12/29 07:57]
links [2011/05/14 06:59] (current)
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 +==== Architecture ====
 +=== Solar ===
 +  * http://​www.solaripedia.com/​ lots of case study articles about various solar designs
 +  * http://​www.builditsolar.com/​ lots of DIY solar projects
 +==== Gardening ====
 +  * a guy doing some great DIY hydrophonics stuff: [[http://​web4deb.blogspot.com/​|blog]] [[http://​www.youtube.com/​user/​web4deb|youtube chan]]
 +  * [[http://​www.windowfarms.org/​|WindowFarms]] DIY hydrophonics for city dwellers
 +  * [[http://​www.simplyhydro.com|Simply Hydrophonics]] lots of advice on hydroponics
 ==== Robotics / Electronics shops ==== ==== Robotics / Electronics shops ====
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   * http://​www.robot-italy.com/​ (Italy) reseller of Sparkfun, Olimex, Arduino stuff etc. I have ordered from them.   * http://​www.robot-italy.com/​ (Italy) reseller of Sparkfun, Olimex, Arduino stuff etc. I have ordered from them.
   * http://​www.watterott.com/​en/​Components/​ (Germany) Seems to be nice and cheap.   * http://​www.watterott.com/​en/​Components/​ (Germany) Seems to be nice and cheap.
 +  * http://​www.robotshop.com/​eu/​ this shop has large selection and the EU branch ships from France.
   * http://​www.cooking-hacks.com/​ [[http://​www.libelium.com/​|Libelium]]s DIY shop. They design their own stuff too.   * http://​www.cooking-hacks.com/​ [[http://​www.libelium.com/​|Libelium]]s DIY shop. They design their own stuff too.
   * http://​www.paeae.com/​ (Finland) Mainly Arduino stuff, not much to choose from, but located close to where I live.   * http://​www.paeae.com/​ (Finland) Mainly Arduino stuff, not much to choose from, but located close to where I live.
 +  * https://​www.m.nu/​ (Sweden) Good selection of sensors and 1wire stuff.
   * http://​www.hwkitchen.com/​   * http://​www.hwkitchen.com/​
   * http://​www.active-robots.com/​ (UK) good selection of robotics components. I have ordered from them.   * http://​www.active-robots.com/​ (UK) good selection of robotics components. I have ordered from them.
 +  * http://​robosavvy.com/​ (UK). Has Dagu stuff in stock. I have ordered from them.
   * http://​www.robot-electronics.co.uk ​   * http://​www.robot-electronics.co.uk ​
   * http://​www.technobots.co.uk/​   * http://​www.technobots.co.uk/​
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   * [[http://​www.makershed.com/?​Click=19208|Maker shed]] general DIY. They design some of their own stuff too.   * [[http://​www.makershed.com/?​Click=19208|Maker shed]] general DIY. They design some of their own stuff too.
   * [[http://​seeedstudio.com/​depot/​|Seedstudio]] designs a lot of their own stuff. Arduino derivates (seeduino) etc.   * [[http://​seeedstudio.com/​depot/​|Seedstudio]] designs a lot of their own stuff. Arduino derivates (seeduino) etc.
 +  * [[http://​www.liquidware.com/​shop|Liquidware]] open source electronics designer. Arduino & Beagleboard shields etc. 
   * [[http://​www.robotmarketplace.com/​store.html|Robot marketplace]] Largest robotics component shop there is. Has lots of non-std. stuff like different kinds of large wheels, motors and controllers for more powerful robots.   * [[http://​www.robotmarketplace.com/​store.html|Robot marketplace]] Largest robotics component shop there is. Has lots of non-std. stuff like different kinds of large wheels, motors and controllers for more powerful robots.
links.1293609457.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/12/29 07:57 by hadara
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